Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I'm tired this evening but the workday went well. I spent most of the day plugged with my WMC but took it out near the end of the day because my day has been so long and I had to do a lot of walking in the evening. That's all right though--I'm home now, the plug is back in, and I'm already in bed. Now all I have to do is relax.

I said in an earlier entry that I lost my anal virginity first. That's startlingly true. My first boyfriend bent me over my little dormitory bed and fucked me up my ass (at my request). He was much more hesitant than I was--I had to talk him into it. It was his first time to have anal sex! I remember banging my shins over and over on the bedframe. I ended up with bruised shins, but I didn't care! The overall experience was delightful. I lost my virginity by degrees, but in retrospect, that was the first and most personally significant portion of it.

Open question: at what point do you remember becoming sexual or playing with yourself? I used to masturbate (all the way to orgasm--strange but true!) when I was 3. I remember my parents taking me to a pediatrician about my strange behavior. Of course I did it without insertion, just by rubbing my body on something like a pillow. I've masturbated my whole life! I don't ever really remember not doing it, although I do remember occasionally getting caught or getting into trouble. That's how I know that humans are inherently sexual. I was doing things at 3 that I didn't know the name of until much later! Societal pressures shame us into feeling guilty over things that come so naturally that we were probably doing them before the guilt ever surfaced. Breaking free from it is hard, but the more we open our bodies to what feels positive, the sooner these walls break down!

Excuse my soapbox tonight...I must just be in a soapbox-y mood! I work in a very conservative environment, which makes my escapades at work all the more entertaining. And I've been at work all day, thinking about the guilt that conservatism inflicts on the innocent. (I use the term "innocent" loosely, I suppose. If you're reading this, you're probably not very innocent! :-) Anyway, I have fun in the bathroom at work, washing my plug and putting it back in my ass, and coming out of the bathroom with a smirk on my face!
Sexual Adventurer

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